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Below is a list of topics to provide you with information about our site and software. Although some of your questions may be answered with these topics, feel free to email us anytime with questions you have. Our email address is dataware@datawaregames.com. We will get back to you within 24 hours (usually much sooner). Include "Dataware Customer Service" in the subject of your email so it will bypass spam filters.

About Us

Contact Information

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Software Licenses: Personal and Site

Use of Your Email Address

About Us

Dataware is a small software company located in northeast Mississippi (USA). We have been developing software and apps since 1994. Our goal is to produce easy-to-use products.

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Contact Information

Although we do not offer telephone support, we respond quickly to email. If you have any questions regarding our software, feel free to contact us.

Include "Dataware Customer Service" in the subject of your email so it will bypass spam filters.

General Inquiries: dataware@datawaregames.com
Customer Support: support@datawaregames.com

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Freelance Jobs

If you are a freelance artist or a freelance programmer who would like to work with us on a project, send a link to your portfolio and/or your resume to jobs@datawaregames.com. Be sure to tell us what type of project would interest you. We're always open to new ideas!

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We would appreciate you telling your friends and family about DatawareGames.com. Besides telling them about our software and apps when you talk to them, please like us on Facebook:

Visit us on Facebook by clicking here.

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Privacy Policy for Apps and Software

We do not collect any personal information through our apps or software. More information about Dataware's privacy policy can be found here. If you have any questions or concerns about Dataware’s privacy policy, please contact us.

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Software Licenses: Personal and Site

The prices on our site are for personal licenses for the software. When you purchase software for personal use, you can use that software on any computer in your household. If you want to purchase software for use at a school or other organization, the price for a site license is the cost of the software plus 25¢ per computer that it will be used on. Please email us at dataware@datawaregames.com if you want to purchase a site license and we will email you instructions on how to make your purchase.

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Use of Your Email Address

We email customers if we release new software or update software. To make sure you receive these notices, please email us at changeofaddress@datawaregames.com if your email address changes from the one that you used when you made your purchase (please include your name, physical address, and your old email address so we can locate your record). If you would rather not receive these notices from us about new software or updates, please email us at remove@datawaregames.com.

Please note that we will not sell or disclose your email address to any other party under any circumstances.

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